Office Furniture

Office Chairs

Office chairs: Design Crafts is a well-known private furniture company that provides a diverse selection of office chairs in Dubai, aimed at offering comfort and aesthetic appeal to your workspace. Our range includes different chair types such as executive, task, conference chairs and more, suitable for various office settings.

We acknowledge the significance of having an appropriate office chair, therefore we offer high-quality chairs that are ergonomic, durable and comfortable. Our chairs are made of top-quality materials and we offer various colors and features to meet individual preferences.

Design Crafts makes it easy and convenient for customers to buy office chairs in Dubai with our online store and delivery service. We also provide office chairs for sale in Dubai at competitive prices catering to different budget ranges.

We take pride in our customer service and support and strive to ensure customer satisfaction. Hence, if you need a comfortable, stylish, and functional office chair in Dubai, Design Crafts is the go-to furniture company.


Seat cushioning in office chairs ensures comfort by providing a supportive and comfortable seating surface, enhancing the overall user experience and reducing pressure points that may arise from extended periods of sitting.

Adjustable lumbar support in office chairs helps maintain the natural curve of the spine, providing proper support to the lower back region and reducing the risk of back pain or discomfort during prolonged sitting.

Adjustable height arms in office chairs provide flexibility and customization for users to adjust the armrest height based on their preference and comfort, promoting proper posture and reducing strain on the arms and shoulders.

Good office chairs should have features such as adjustable height arms, adjustable seat height, adjustable seat tilt, adjustable backrest, adjustable lumbar support, mobility, seat cushioning, light weight, and stability.

The cost of ergonomic furniture is justified by the potential savings from avoiding employee absenteeism due to health issues. It is mentioned that the cost of ergonomic furniture will not exceed the total cost incurred by companies when employees are absent due to health problems. This comparison emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of investing in ergonomic chairs for long-term health benefits and productivity gains.

Companies that understand the importance of employee health and wellness have switched their office chairs to ergonomic ones. Investing in ergonomic furniture can contribute to improving employee health by reducing issues such as back pain and neck pain. These health improvements can lead to increased concentration and productivity among employees.

Ergonomic chairs offer the best solution for correcting faulty posture and ergonomics during work. They can help alleviate back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and wrist pain caused by poor ergonomics while sitting. The combination of ergonomic features and elegant design not only helps in pain relief but also enhances the overall look of the chair.

The company helps customers with capacity utilization by planning their office furniture and interior to maximize space utilization efficiently and effectively.

Quality assurance is ensured by offering affordable prices along with a guarantee of quality, making it reliable for customers to trust in the furniture provided by the company.

The company offers assistance in planning office furniture and interior design from zero to advanced levels, providing eye-catching designs and techniques to enhance the workspace.

The company is accessible with just one phone call or one click away, making it convenient for customers to reach out for assistance in purchasing office furniture.

Whether you are starting a new business, migrating, or looking to replace or restore your office furniture, you can find all your office furniture needs under one roof at an affordable price and with quality assurance.

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Executive Desk

Economic Desk

Reception Desk


Conference Desk

Round Meeting Table

Height Adjustable Desk

Coffee Table
